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5 questions about 5G: Markus Rothmeyer – 5G for disaster management

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Time is pressing – danger is imminent – it is essential to seize the opportunities.

5 Questions about 5G – answered by Dr. Markus Rothmeyer (Akosim GmbH)

How do 5G technologies save human lives during disasters?

Paul Kho and Harry Jacob (both editors of FUENF-G) talk about this with Markus Rothmeyer (Akosim). They will shed light on disaster management today and tomorrow, the current problems, the concrete solutions with 5G, the necessary role allocation in the process, the current need for action and finally – fitting for Christmas – the wish list of disaster management. Also discussed will be open RAN, digital government radio, military clearings, eavesdropping security, IT security, group functions and push-to-talk.

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