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5 Questions for Dorothee Bär: Huawei is not fundamentally excluded

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5 Questions about 5G – answered by Dorothee Bär, Minister of State for Digitalization: In the second part of the video series “5 Questions about 5G – Focus on Campus Networks”, Dorothee Bär also answers questions from our users that we received in advance. The much-discussed exclusion of Huawei was particularly explosive.

In our conversation, Dorothee Bär did not confirm the general exclusion of Huawei. Rather, “the same standards apply to all” in the approval process. In addition, the Minister of State mentions general fields of application for 5G campus networks, elicits a specific location, and explains how the German government is thinking along with 5G when it comes to LTE/4G expansion.

With its regular “5 Questions on 5G” format, fuenf-G.de gives the movers and shakers and innovators in the 5G industry a stage and users valuable information for the use of 5G in their professional environment. The “5 Questions” are:

  • What products are missing to build campus networks?
  • What is the biggest benefit you expect?
  • How high are the investments?
  • With which partners will the network be implemented?
  • What strategic innovations can be expected – beyond data transmission?