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There has long been talk of the advantages of digitization and Industry 4.0 for medium-sized companies as well. Now, with 5G technology, the infrastructure is also available to make these advantages a reality. But as complex as the technology is, so are the questions.

After this four-hour online seminar, you will have an overview of what campus networks are, what requirements must be met and how to plan their implementation. Specifically, you will know who to contact, which companies are already active on the market today and what a first step in your company could look like. Practical applications are a main focus of the seminar: You will learn what already works today, what is already being implemented and which use cases make sense in the future.

What you can expect:

  • Introduction & Basics 5G Campus Networks
  • Technology comparison
  • 5G applications
  • Concepts, costs & operating models


Block 1: 10:00 a.m. o’clock – 12:00 a.m. o’clock
Lunch Break
Block 2: 01:30 p.m. – 03:30 p.m.

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