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5 Questions for Dirk Kretzschmar: TÜV needs “sick brains”

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Dirk Kretzschmar explains what is meant by the “sick brains” and the “hackers” at TÜV and also explains the most important details in the certification of 5G components..

In the third part of the exclusive video interviews “5 Questions on 5G – Focus on Campus Networks”, Dirk Kretzschmar (CEO of the TÜV IT Business Division) describes where he sees the most important effects of 5G and, above all, where no requirements apply. Keywords are hybrid networks, expiry of approvals, hope for grandfathering and how TÜV can already help or certify today. It is also exciting to hear what hackers and “sick brains” are doing at TÜV and why trust is so important – also in the approval process!

With the regular format “5 Questions on 5G”, fuenf-G.de gives the movers and shakers and innovators of the 5G industry a stage and users valuable information for the use of 5G in their professional environment.

By the way, the “5 questions” are:

What products are missing to build campus networks?
What is the biggest benefit you expect?
How high are the investments?
With which partners will the network be implemented?
What strategic innovations can be expected – beyond data transmission??