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5 questions for Florian Kempff: More playfulness with 5G

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Florian Kempff, Managing Partner IPmotion, would like to see more playfulness in testing 5G applications – for example in retail, aviation and freight forwarding.

In the fifth part of the video series “5 Questions on 5G – Focus on Campus Networks“, Florian Kempff (IPmotion GmbH) motivates us to “reform”. See for yourself what he specifically means by this – especially with a view to retail, freight forwarders, passenger transport or check-in/out systems. He talks about data protection, not only in the healthcare sector. He sees the best approaches for 5G applications, for example, wherever “Wifi is currently in use” and where “data collected elsewhere can be dovetailed into new products and services.”
Last but not least, he would like to see more play in the topic of 5G. His forecasts on delivery times/bottlenecks and the coming price drops are particularly exciting.


By the way, the “5 questions” are:

What products are missing to build campus networks?
What is the biggest benefit you expect?
How high are the investments?
With which partners will the network be implemented?
What strategic innovations can be expected – beyond data transmission??