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5 Questions about 5G – answered by Waltraud Gläser

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“All people want.” – You have to be brought along properly!

5 Questions about 5G – answered by Waltraud Gläser (Organizational Consulting. Sparring. Coaching. Facilitation.).

She sees “5G in a duet and not in a duel with VUCA; if only because the VUA world needs engineers.” In an interview with Paul Kho, she makes the artificial word “VUCA” (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) practically tangible.
The VUCA world is particularly challenging for managers and decision-makers. Nevertheless, all employees bear responsibility in the introduction of 5G applications; because change management should inspire, motivate and involve everyone. Only in this way will “5G” become a common cause.

Silo thinking must be broken down. Gläser’s thesis is that “everyone wants it.” Not everyone sees it that way, do they?

P.S.: An article by Waltraud Gläser is published here: VUCA & 5G as a duet complete

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